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The Guidance Department provides a comprehensive guidance program that correlates with the mission statement of the Mount Pleasant Area School District. Guidance in Mount Pleasant aims to help individual students understand themselves, fulfill their potential, plan realistically, and see themselves in relation to their work.
The counselors have the key role in directing and coordinating the guidance program.
In order to achieve the purposes of our guidance program we offer the following services:
Individual and Group Counseling - discuss with an individual the alternatives existing in a given situation; disseminate information of a general nature to small groups of students; provide students with professional and confidential counseling in areas such as: conflict resolution, study skills and mental health issues.
Testing Programs - includes the administration of tests, test interpretation and the maintenance of records for use in understanding pupils and encouraging them to make accurate and reliable assessments of their academic/vocational skills. Includes: Kindergarten Screening Assessments, PA State Assessment, Interest Inventory, Achievement Tests, Aptitude Assessments, PSAT, SAT and Vocational Aptitude Testing.
Academic and Career Information
A. Student – Academic Progress, socialization, study skills, graduation requirements, available colleges, business schools, technical institutes, college entrance requirements, military service data, job trends and other post secondary opportunities.
B. Teaching staff – regarding individual student interests, aptitudes, test results and other information which might be of help in working with the student.
C. Parents – Available education services, curriculum, scheduling, graduation requirements, career information, scholarships and college requirements.
Liaison Services – utilization of community and social agencies to provide students/ parents and faculty with the appropriate resources.
Career Resource Services – providing the students with appropriate and occupational information via: Student Career Portfolio, Career Cruising, Career/ College Reference Material, College and Career Night, Career Day/ Field Trip, Financial Aid Night.